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How to integrate Subxt with frontier?

I want the transaction to be happen through subxt on frontier node template. I'm getting this error in this process: Metadata error: The generated code is not compatible with the node How to solve ...
1 vote
1 answer

Ensuring Priority for Key Transactions in a Substrate Chain

I'm currently working on a substrate chain and have implemented a pallet where off-chain workers submit price data of other chains. My requirement is for these prices to be updated by the workers ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the use case for inherent transactions?

Just for curiosity! In what conditions we can use Inherent transactions? Thanks
1 vote
1 answer

what is the blockImport equivalent for transactions?

how do i check a transaction before it gets added to the transaction pool, kind of like BlockImport but for transactions that are coming from outside(from other validators or clients)?
4 votes
1 answer

How the transaction payment pallet handles transaction fee of every extrinsic?

I was doing some experiments with Substrate Node Template. I found that for every extrinsic, user is charged with some fee. I explored
2 votes
1 answer

No Extrinsics/Transactions are validating and getting added to the block successfully

Extrinsic transactions are sent to the validation pool, set to ready state and then broadcasted. After this, they are re-submitted to the validation pool until it reaches its validity period (...
0 votes
1 answer

"system:ExtrinsicFailed" error when submitting transactions

I'm trying to call the setName method of nicks pallet: However, when I run click "Signed" I get the error on the right, which is: system:ExtrinsicFailed [{"Module":{"index&...
9 votes
1 answer

Single node performance

I've a couple of questions: I'm running a the node-template on a machine that has 8 cores and 64GB of RAM and its using an SSD. I have some pallets working there and I'm using the python client to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Pre-dispatch Error

I took a look at the check-weight SignedExtention to see what happens when a block is full. It appears that it returns an error InvalidTransaction::ExhaustsResources. It think it puts it back into the ...