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Questions tagged [storage]

Questions about storing and accessing stored data on a Substrate blockchain.

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Definition of storage map for stored items

In the tutorial of learning substrate, a storage map for stored items is defined as follows, in which the symbol => appears, but this specification is not in the standard syntax of rust. How to ...'s user avatar
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Are both of them same StorageMap?

I found this puzzle in my last question, which is from one answer of my question. There are at least two StorageMap structs in substrate framework.Their links are listed below: https://paritytech....
kugool's user avatar
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How to access storage items using polkadot js, javascript playground [closed]

As when i try to to do api.query.templatemodule.get_something() it shows errors in the console
Mrisho Lukamba's user avatar
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the trait bound `I: scale_info::TypeInfo` is not satisfied

I am writing Pallet which has generic parameter T and static parameter I, but as soon as I wish to create storage for Struct with generic parameter T I receive tons of errors. What am I doing wrong? ...
Dudo's user avatar
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How to get the validators list?

Is it possible to get the list of validators which validate a particular block? For instance, let's say we have at block 10 and if this block is finalised then I need to find the list of validators ...
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
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How to use Mapping with Sha2x256 in ink smart contracts

I want to try and use Mapping with Sha2x256 or any other value that is large enough so that each of these will be unique. I want mapping to be like this: unique_ids: Mapping <Sha2x256 ,u128> ...
nanoman's user avatar
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Query returning all instances of a contract based on it's code hash?

Looking to write a call that could return all the contract addresses of ink contracts matching a code hash of the contract via RPC. What would be the best way to go about getting the list of contract ...
Metallurgical's user avatar
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What is the best practice for storing a hash?

I am about to make the decision on how to store some hash value inside the blockchain. A hash value is the best practice to minimise the size of the blockchain, but still allows people to verify ...
Chralt's user avatar
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Whats the correct way of purging StorageDoubleMap

I`m looking for an efficient way to purge StorageDoubleMap. so lets assume I have some collection: #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn provisions)] pub type Provisions<T: Config> = ...
mat13mn's user avatar
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getReadProof for specific event

I want to generate a StorageProof for a specific event that is stored in storage. I have found System_Events but this returns me all events of a block, instead of a specific one. I stumbled on ...
Paul Etscheit's user avatar
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Runtime API to collect values in StorageMap

I'm trying to retrieve all values in my StorageMap defined as such in my pallet: #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn submitted_tasks)] pub type SubmittedTasks<T: Config> = StorageMap<_,...
Mathis Wellmann's user avatar
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Substrate storage query response does not seems to be correct for System.digests

I am developing a series of Java tools for Substrate based chains, polkadot4j (it is currently under heavy development). I have problem in querying the storage for the pallet system and storage entry ...
mhrsalehi's user avatar
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Limit and Offset for for storage entries and keys

Following the docs for polkadot js storage we are getting entries and keys from the chain. Is there a way to use limit and offset to implement paging. Any ideas?
donkeydonkey's user avatar
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How to access StorageValue without getter function in tests?

I have the following StorageValue: #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn something)] pub type Something<T> = StorageValue<_, u32>; With the getter function I can access it like this in ...
Bruno's user avatar
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How do you perform a state query in a unit test?

In a custom Substrate pallet unit test, I need to get a list of governance proposals using the chain state. I have used Polkadot JS to query state before but not from within a Substrate unit test in ...
Robert La Ferla's user avatar
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How to benchmark huge bounded vectors?

I want to have a queue system in a pallet using a storage value and a bounded vector. /// Data related to tranmission queues. #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn at_block_queue)] pub type ...
Leouarz's user avatar
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How to get access to pallet storage from tests

I have approvals map in my pallet So when i try to get value from my storage, I'm getting this error So how to properly use pallet storage in tests?
Nikita Chernega's user avatar
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Is Substrate Storage Queries exploitable for a DDoS attack?

I have some pallet that provide storage SomeValue, and this storage was exposed through #[pallet::getter(fn some_value)]. Having removed this getter in favour of a paged RPC API, I was thinking that ...
digital illusion's user avatar
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How to query for All Pallets StorageVersions

Is there an easy way to get a list of all pallets storage versions? An output like this: [ Palletname, StorageVersion ] Is it possible to query using curl and the rpc for the storage version of all ...
flipchan's user avatar
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Is using `put_storage_value` on a storage map while iterating over the same map using `storage_iter` undefined behavior?

The IterableStorageMap API explicitly forbids altering the map while iterating: The frame_support::storage::...
mkl's user avatar
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How to store a enumerations in smart contracts with ink?

How to store enumeration in smart contract with ink! I have a field in smart contract with type Mapping<AccountId, Enum>, I tried to use guide
Ruslan's user avatar
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`try-runtime` doesn't start with a proper state

Context: Testing try-runtime::follow-chain utility with a local live chain. Problem: RemoteExternalities doesn't create a perfect copy of the state. After follow-chain connects to a node, it starts ...
pmikolajczyk41's user avatar
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Get value *AND KEY* from iter_prefix_values

I have a StorageNMap #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn resources)] /// Stores resource info pub type Resources<T: Config> = StorageNMap< _, ( ...
Brandon Macer's user avatar
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Are storage reads in the pre-dispatch cached?

Are storage reads in the pre-dispatch cached? Example, I'm doing a storage read in the pre-dispatch. Now the same storage read happens when executing the given extrinsic. Do I benefit from caching ...
Daan - R0GUE's user avatar
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Substrate: function can be called only from offchain workers

i just made a pallet where there is a function callable from users, this function will save some input data inside a storageMap, then offchain worker take the input data, do some operations and should ...
Jacopo Mosconi's user avatar
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Would it be possible to show historical on-chain storage state for a particular block number?

Is there any way to present historical on-chain storage state for a particular block number? I couldn't find way to do this. Can someone please help me to answer this?
Boleng's user avatar
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how to use substrate-rpc-client query storage

I am trying to use substrate-rpc-client for querying a storage item in our chain, the documentation is very sparse on how to go about this. just says![]), Some(H256::...
Emmanuel Thomas's user avatar
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What are the "values" in the substrate Merkle Patricia tree?

I've read Shawn's substrate storage deep dive recently. It is very informative and I roughly understand different key systems exist and how the keys are caclulated. However, one thing that puzzles me ...
Kailai's user avatar
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How to mutate a Vec<u16> in a struct in a DoubleStorageMap?

How do I mutate a DoubleStorageMap with a Vec<T::AccountId> as a value using a struct? Data::<T>::mutate( id.clone(), user_id.clone(), |params: &mut DataParams<T::AccountId>...
bobby dy's user avatar
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Updating SLOT_DURATION on Mainnet - Seeking Assistance!

We are facing a challenge regarding our mainnet and we need the guidance and expertise of the community. Currently, we are looking to update the SLOT_DURATION to optimize the performance of our ...
Lucas Cardeal's user avatar
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Uncaught runtime errors: [u8;16]:: Expected input with 16 bytes (128 bits), found 21 bytes

I created a value id by this: let encoded_payload = (owner.clone(), task_description.clone()).encode(); let id = frame_support::Hashable::blake2_128(&encoded_payload);// hashvalue of combined ...
Latte Xu's user avatar
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how to remove Mapping storage when tuple is used as input

Lets assume we have an ink! smart contract On a vanilla Mapping alpha: Mapping<[u8;32], Astruct> we can use self.alpha.remove(&somehash) My question is this: if we have the following ...
Sokrates's user avatar
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Query Tokens.Accounts storage function using py-substrate-interface

I'm trying to fetch asset balances in accounts for various assets using py-substrate-interface. I know I can query the Tokens.Accounts storage function but I'm not sure which params I need to pass to ...
Pranay's user avatar
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Subscribe to storage map Entries?

On our substrate node using a storage double map. We are trying to subscribe to an entries query. something like const unsub = await api.query.system.balances.entries(ADDR, (res) => { console....
donkeydonkey's user avatar
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error: Invalid generic declaration, trait is defined with instance but generic use none

I want to make a storage for the pallet but I'm getting this error /// The target parachains to ping. #[pallet::storage] pub type Targets<T:Config> = StorageValue< _, BoundedVec&...
Arunjot Singh's user avatar
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State/storage does not get mutated [duplicate]

I have the following case: let contract = Invoice { origin: from.clone(), to: to.clone(), amount, status: false, id: 17, msg: msg.clone(), }; let mut invoice_vec: Vec<Invoice<T::...
P.E's user avatar
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Do extrinsic respect changes to storage due on call?

I have pretty simple extrinsic code which stores data to substrate storage hashmap and tries to load it after from another nested function. But result looks like nothing stored. In pseudo: storage[&...
broomrider's user avatar

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