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Offchain indexing storage overwrites during forks

We are using offchain indexing to store some value that will be read in offchain worker . The keys that we are using to store data via offchain indexing is as following: key = some_prefix + ...
Aramik M's user avatar
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offchain worker choose key to sign and send

I have multiple keys in my node storage with offchain worker running, there are currently 2 ways to sign and send transactions, it is done either for all of the keys stored locally, or 1 unspecified ...
cocokick's user avatar
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Offchain Storage lock vs compare-set/mutate function

While using offchain workers when do we want to use a StorageLock and when would we want to use a mutate function on StorageValueRef since both of them are kind of lock on db.
Rusty Pythonic Script's user avatar
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offchain indexing for large files

I'm new to the project and currently working on a pallet, which is supposed to deal with large files offchain. Pallet, offchain indexing and the offchain worker are all working fine, still I get "...
langi667's user avatar
9 votes
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Is there any way to get all the key/value pairs together from sc_client_db::offchain::LocalStorage?

I can see we have the option to get the values by using their keys one by one using get(), but is there any way to get all the pairs together wrapped in an iterator so that we don't need to hit the ...
Pawan Bisht's user avatar
6 votes
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How to extract data from Offchain storage in client-side?

I'm trying to access data that I'm storing through the RPC off-chain endpoint. Is there any way to get the instance of off-chain storage in through which we can extract that has been ...
Pawan Bisht's user avatar