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Questions tagged [nodes]

Related to running or maintaining a node (aka client) on a network.

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0 votes
0 answers

What should `public-addr` be beyond the public ip/dns?

I think I am missing something about how Substrate is interacting with libp2p. Base question: When setting the public-addr parameter for a parachain and internal relay chain node, I have found that ...
3 votes
1 answer

How I use Database Snapshot Services correct

I want use Database Snapshot Services, because making genesis to last block takes too much time.... so I used POLKACHU site, the code is. " curl -o - -L
1 vote
1 answer

Change session keys in new chain spec

Chain spec primary_chain is defined under node/src/ Steps to reproduce: generate default chain spec for primary_chain ./collator build-spec --chain primary_chain > spec.json Edit ...
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0 answers

why finalization of chain stops after adding more than 1 validator on single node?

i have my substrate blockchain running with 3 validator setup .when i add more than 1 validator on single node and i.e sometimes even 3 or 4 the finalization of my chain stops . what is the reason ...
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1 answer

Is it possible to have more than 1 parallel validator account connected to a node?

In the context of validators and block production what is the maximum number of validator accounts associated to the same instance of a polkadot node? In other words how many accounts can (should) add ...
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1 answer

How to validate the builder function integration in chain_spec file?

I am performing an upgrade of the Polkadot version from 1.8 to 1.9, which involves updating the from_genesis function to the builder function in the chain_spec file. I generated one chain spec without ...
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1 answer

Do Polkadot Nodes Not Maintain the Complete Chain History?

I'm using Polkadot version 1.3.0-7c9fd83805c. When syncing a node with the command: ➜ ~ polkadot --tmp I've encountered an error preventing me from retrieving the genesis block: -32000: Client error:...
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0 answers

Nodes Not Peering Despite Proper Setup

We launched a public network and have over 40 validators. But now, nodes that I’m personally remote accessing aren’t syncing or producing blocks. Here is a picture: I performed the same actions each ...
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0 answers

same extrinsic hash but different transaction and transaction broadcast issue

Is it possible for different transactions to have the same txid? My address on Polkadot is . Among ...
3 votes
1 answer

Substrate node not propagating transactions

So we have a very strange bug that is happening when sending transaction to a substrate (crust node in this instance). We are sending signed transaction to a crust node via polkadot.js as such: const ...
3 votes
4 answers

How to setup bootnode to use DNS address instead of IP4?

I currently have a node running on the cloud and I've set its websocket port to a custom domain following Polkadot's Nginx config (here). I would like to be able to use this node as a bootnode for ...
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1 answer

Implementing Load Balancing for Multiple Validator Nodes on AWS: Seeking Suggestions

I've set up two instances on AWS, each running a validator node for a blockchain project. Here’s a quick breakdown of my configuration: First Server: Runs a validator node and a reverse proxy. It's ...
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0 answers

Bittensor Subtensor Chain

Does anyone know how to run a public subtensor node and synchronize with Bittensor network on nakamoto instead of the current finney ? There are some nodes currently running on nakamoto chain. I am ...
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1 answer

Sync error while upgrading Polkadot SDK from 1.0 to 1.6

We're in the process of updating the Polimec runtime and node from the Polkadot SDK 1.0 to 1.6. We're doing the final tests before the merge and we are encountering an issue while syncing the ...
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0 answers

unable to discover and connect the peer to the --chain contracts-rococo-local

I'm trying to have my node discover and connect to the blockchain terminal so that the peer count will update from 0 peers to 1 peers. However, I keep getting this message: 2024-03-15 18:38:36.394 ...
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0 answers

Connecting a libp2p node to the Substrate Parachain Network

Goal Add a libp2p node to the Substrate parachain network to have Idle 0 peers to 1 peer. Method I'm using mdns as the discovery mechanism. Libp2p Config: const options = { peerId: peerId, addresses:...
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0 answers

I'm trying to connect my node to the parachain that im logging in with on my express backend

My goal is to be able to see the discover, incoming connection, and accepting connection in the parachain network, which I'm guessing should update the Idle 0 Peers to 1 Peer. I'm still currently ...
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0 answers

Is it possible to run a node with only build file and boot node of the chain?

If i have build file(i.e target file) and boot node of the substrate chain. Can I join the network by running my validator node? Note: Our goal is to minimise the effort required for users who wish to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Facing issue in connecting polkadot UI with nodes running on gcp [updated]

I'm running 3 validator nodes on different vm instances on gcp but I'm not able to connect these node with the polkadot UI. Here are the commands which I'm using to run the nodes: ./target/release/...
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1 answer

How to add 3 validators node from different networks?

I want to run our substrate chain with 3 validators, and these validators will run in 3 different network. I'm following this documentation:
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1 answer

Solochain mainnet experiencing problems finalizing blocks after a few months

We are operating a custom Solochain NPOS blockchain with Substrate. After running a stable testnet for months, we promoted to mainnet version 1. Initially the mainnet was operating normally, with ...
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0 answers

How to calculate the node work?

I'm working on POW substrate chain, I need to calculate the workdone by each node[how much a node contribute to the chain]. Is there any way to calculate this?
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What is the rationale behind the node architecture (Runtime + Host)

Is the separation of the Runtime business logic from the host intended solely for enabling forkless upgrades, or does it also aim to facilitate compatibility with different hosts?
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1 answer

Validating node, how connet to polkadot.js

For running validate nodes, through set up, now i can see my node on the telemetry. but I don't know how to connect to polkadot.js. polka wiki says "You can generate your Session keys in the ...
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1 answer

How to join substrate as infrastructure provider

I wanted to know the complete process of joining polkadot builders as infrastructure provider but could not get a proper guide explaining that. Can someone please tell the process and what happens in ...
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1 answer

How to create different accounts in Substrate?

I would like to build a blockchain with Substrate where people can trade with products. They can log in in web, where they can see only their balances and products.I created private/public keypairs to ...
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0 answers

wasm compilation for later rust versions

I am running a parachain on Ubuntu 22.04 jammy. where i am using polkadot 9.43. I see that in release notes it is said that nightly-2023-05-22 was tested for this substrate version
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1 answer

How to debug/solve this frontier integration issue?

I am currently in the process of integrating the frontier with the solo chain. Following the integration, when I attempted to deploy the contract using Remix, it appears to be stuck, with no ...
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1 answer

kusama upload/download bandwidth speed so low

I'm running a Kusama node with a actual network speed ranging from over 100MB/s to 500MB/s on both sides. However, I'm facing issues with slow block propagation time and low upload/download bandwidth ...
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0 answers

when running a validating nodes, firewall setting is essential?

when running a nodes, firewall is essential? i used this command sudo ufw allow 3033/tpc but it`s result is "ERROR: Bad port" what`s the problem? can i just done "sudo ufw enable" ...
1 vote
1 answer

Rejected connection: Transport(handshake was not a GET request)

When I start my node in the M2, it is continuously showing this error .
12 votes
3 answers

What are the latest minimum specs for running a Polkadot/Kusama node (full node/archive node)?

What I found related to specs/resource requirements (memory, disk space,...) was : These requirements for running a validator node and In the polkadot wiki page the space required for an archive node....
9 votes
2 answers

Grandpa stuck at "Polling"

I am trying to spin up a small BABE PoS network of four nodes and not able to get GRANDPA to start. It's hard to know what exact pieces of information to provide, here are some notes. A few notes: I ...
5 votes
2 answers

How to start a private network on 2 computers?

I've done the Start a private network tutorial. However, in this tutorial, they run two-nodes on the same computer with different ports. Now I want to run a private network with different computers ...
3 votes
1 answer

Add ed25519 address to

Trying to add an ed25519 address to the chain_spec file. The node_template has the defaults vec![get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"), We would like to add a custom ...
3 votes
1 answer

babe-worker failed after upgrade to 0.9.42

After upgrading to 0.9.42, we have ERROR tokio-runtime-worker sc_service::task_manager: Essential task babe-worker failed. Shutting down service. error starting the node using cargo run -- --dev. ...
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0 answers

How to migrate / backup & restore ink smart contract storage?

Is there a way to backup ink smart contract storage and later restore on another chain? Lets say we have chain with 3 validators and deployed smart contract containing certain information in its ...
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1 answer

How can i fetch the node identity from cli?

How we can fetch the node identity(local node identity in snapshort) after running the node i would need it so that i can make process automatic to start the second node by using that node key
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2 answers

Problems adding trusted Nodes on different machines on Windows 11(WSL)

I Cannot get the two Substrate Nodes to Work together in a local Network between two different PC running on Win11 + WSL I have followed the Tutorial and everything seems ok till the point that i am ...
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1 answer

How can a full node reconstruct the entire chain state using just block headers?

Reading the docs, something confused me : Although older blocks are discarded, full nodes retain all of the block headers from the genesis block to the most recent block to validate that the state is ...
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1 answer

How can I set multiple bootnodes and have them communicate with each other?

I would like to know how i can set up multiple bootnodes that share the same state. Would doing this require the bootnodes to share the same database? I know this is basic substrate staff but it would ...
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0 answers

How do i upgrade the council through a runtime Upgrade? [closed]

I have written code for a storage migration but unfortunately the council members are not displaying after the runtime upgrade. Below is the code I wrote for the storage migration const COUNCIL_PREFIX:...
3 votes
1 answer

Substrate Node wont restart

We are running a substrate node in testing/development and the server ran out of disk space. We cleared up space by deleting the log files and now the node wont start. Service(Client(RuntimeApiError(...
2 votes
1 answer

Running a listener node in ReadOnly mode

I would like to run a non-validator node (listener node) and prevent it from accepting and broadcasting transactions (ReadOnly mode). Except for accepting transactions, I would like it to behave like ...
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1 answer

Substrate Deployment for Prod/Staging

I am wondering where do you deploy your substrate nodes for production or staging? Do you deploy the nodes to some cloud servers? How many connected nodes are sufficient to keep the network running?
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1 answer

Public Tor dot Onion addresses for Polkadot, Kusama and Edgeware nodes

Hello Polkadot Ecosystem! There are several public node operators, however, I was not able to find one that had support for .onion addresses. Public .onion nodes is something that has been in the ...
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2 answers

Is there anyway to tell if a transaction was submitted by a light client on a substrate blockchain?

Interested in calculating the number of transactions submitted by type of node. Ie seeing how many transactions are originating from light clients vs full-nodes.
1 vote
2 answers

Problem Connecting Digital Ocean RPC Node to Polkadot-JS (NGINX Configuration Problem?)

I have established an RPC node on a Digital Ocean droplet and configured NGINX and SSL according to the instructions at the polkadot wiki. Configurations below. Connecting on wss:// or wss:/...
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1 answer

How to get PeerID or local node identity in bash script to enable running other node using it as bootnode in a command in script?

I want to write a script that runs node01, node02, node03 in relay chain network setup. How do I get local node identity generated from running node 01? Also I am confused on how the first validator ...
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1 answer

tokenDecimals = 10 Causes Astronomical Fees - How To Change tokenDecimals On A Running Chain?

We have started a test chain with tokenDecimals = 10 in the chain spec JSON. The chain is running beautifully BUT fees are astronomical. For example, it takes 2.6 Billion to run for council. We are ...