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Questions tagged [nodes]

Related to running or maintaining a node (aka client) on a network.

18 questions from the last 365 days
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What should `public-addr` be beyond the public ip/dns?

I think I am missing something about how Substrate is interacting with libp2p. Base question: When setting the public-addr parameter for a parachain and internal relay chain node, I have found that ...
Wil W's user avatar
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why finalization of chain stops after adding more than 1 validator on single node?

i have my substrate blockchain running with 3 validator setup .when i add more than 1 validator on single node and i.e sometimes even 3 or 4 the finalization of my chain stops . what is the reason ...
Karanvir Singh's user avatar
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How to validate the builder function integration in chain_spec file?

I am performing an upgrade of the Polkadot version from 1.8 to 1.9, which involves updating the from_genesis function to the builder function in the chain_spec file. I generated one chain spec without ...
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
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Is it possible to have more than 1 parallel validator account connected to a node?

In the context of validators and block production what is the maximum number of validator accounts associated to the same instance of a polkadot node? In other words how many accounts can (should) add ...
Zurcus's user avatar
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Nodes Not Peering Despite Proper Setup

We launched a public network and have over 40 validators. But now, nodes that I’m personally remote accessing aren’t syncing or producing blocks. Here is a picture: I performed the same actions each ...
Christian Kessler's user avatar
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same extrinsic hash but different transaction and transaction broadcast issue

Is it possible for different transactions to have the same txid? My address on Polkadot is . Among ...
Bomax Chen's user avatar
3 votes
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Substrate node not propagating transactions

So we have a very strange bug that is happening when sending transaction to a substrate (crust node in this instance). We are sending signed transaction to a crust node via polkadot.js as such: const ...
Tadej Vengust's user avatar
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Implementing Load Balancing for Multiple Validator Nodes on AWS: Seeking Suggestions

I've set up two instances on AWS, each running a validator node for a blockchain project. Here’s a quick breakdown of my configuration: First Server: Runs a validator node and a reverse proxy. It's ...
Humayun Ahmad Rajib's user avatar
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Bittensor Subtensor Chain

Does anyone know how to run a public subtensor node and synchronize with Bittensor network on nakamoto instead of the current finney ? There are some nodes currently running on nakamoto chain. I am ...
kapitankot's user avatar
3 votes
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Sync error while upgrading Polkadot SDK from 1.0 to 1.6

We're in the process of updating the Polimec runtime and node from the Polkadot SDK 1.0 to 1.6. We're doing the final tests before the merge and we are encountering an issue while syncing the ...
Leonardo Razovic's user avatar
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unable to discover and connect the peer to the --chain contracts-rococo-local

I'm trying to have my node discover and connect to the blockchain terminal so that the peer count will update from 0 peers to 1 peers. However, I keep getting this message: 2024-03-15 18:38:36.394 ...
AndrewKim's user avatar
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Connecting a libp2p node to the Substrate Parachain Network

Goal Add a libp2p node to the Substrate parachain network to have Idle 0 peers to 1 peer. Method I'm using mdns as the discovery mechanism. Libp2p Config: const options = { peerId: peerId, addresses:...
Peter Kim's user avatar
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I'm trying to connect my node to the parachain that im logging in with on my express backend

My goal is to be able to see the discover, incoming connection, and accepting connection in the parachain network, which I'm guessing should update the Idle 0 Peers to 1 Peer. I'm still currently ...
AndrewKim's user avatar
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Is it possible to run a node with only build file and boot node of the chain?

If i have build file(i.e target file) and boot node of the substrate chain. Can I join the network by running my validator node? Note: Our goal is to minimise the effort required for users who wish to ...
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
2 votes
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Facing issue in connecting polkadot UI with nodes running on gcp [updated]

I'm running 3 validator nodes on different vm instances on gcp but I'm not able to connect these node with the polkadot UI. Here are the commands which I'm using to run the nodes: ./target/release/...
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to add 3 validators node from different networks?

I want to run our substrate chain with 3 validators, and these validators will run in 3 different network. I'm following this documentation:
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
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Solochain mainnet experiencing problems finalizing blocks after a few months

We are operating a custom Solochain NPOS blockchain with Substrate. After running a stable testnet for months, we promoted to mainnet version 1. Initially the mainnet was operating normally, with ...
Lucas Cardeal's user avatar
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How to calculate the node work?

I'm working on POW substrate chain, I need to calculate the workdone by each node[how much a node contribute to the chain]. Is there any way to calculate this?
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar