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Questions tagged [mempool]

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Are there rpc calls to show the size / transaction types in the mempool?

Are there rpc calls to show the size / transaction types in the mempool? I've never seen any visualisation of the mempool for polkadot or substrate chains. Other chains seem to have visibility into ...
Squirrel's user avatar
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Is there a way to replace or cancel an extrinsic from the mempool?

Just like cancelling and speed up transactions on Ethereum context, is there a mechanism to replace or manipulate extrinsics from the mempool? thanks!
metricaez's user avatar
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Ready transaction queue never empties after heavy load

After a heavy load test with thousands of transactions from a fixed set of accounts (maybe relevant due to this question), the ready pool of some nodes never empties, and for this reason many ...
afm's user avatar
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extrinsics from same account result in underutilized blockspace

I'm sending multiple extrinsics from the same account. The nonce is increased before a new extrinsic is sent, and all extrinsics are sent as immortal. My goal is to fill the blocks as much as possible,...
Bernardo Rodrigues's user avatar
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Get pool name and stash account from nomination pool creator

Can you explain me how I retrieve (from Polkadot JS) : The nomination pool name (from a given pool Id) The stash account of nomination pool creator ? For example, here is the first nomination pool : ...
Apolixit's user avatar
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what is the blockImport equivalent for transactions?

how do i check a transaction before it gets added to the transaction pool, kind of like BlockImport but for transactions that are coming from outside(from other validators or clients)?
dadzerlaze's user avatar
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No Extrinsics/Transactions are validating and getting added to the block successfully

Extrinsic transactions are sent to the validation pool, set to ready state and then broadcasted. After this, they are re-submitted to the validation pool until it reaches its validity period (...
Jinesh Doshi's user avatar
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Transaction Prioritization

My understanding is that the Transaction-Payment Pallet prioritizes transactions based on tip, weight and length of the transaction. ChargeTransactionPayment::get_priority uses this data to give ...
Yatusabes's user avatar
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Substrate weight limits and block production

Block weight is divided between 3 different types of transaction classes: mandatory operation normal Each type has a max_total. The max_total is used so that any one type does not dominate the block....
Yatusabes's user avatar
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feeless transactions unsigned vs signed extension

I also notice that implementing feeless transaction are recommended on stack-exchange using an unsigned transactions. Why is it better to implement feeless transactions with an unsigned transaction ...
Yatusabes's user avatar
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How to see a list of transactions on the Future queue

According to this documentation, the mempool can add transactions to the future queue. Is there a way to see this list programmatically (via rpc, api...) or manually (polkadotJs)? And do we know how ...
Nahu's user avatar
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