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Questions tagged [javascript]

Questions about JavaScript in the context of Substrate and Polkadot.

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2 answers

Get crowdloan contributors at specific block

I'm using polkadot-js to get all the contributors for a crowdloan: const contributors = await api.derive.crowdloan.contributions(paraId); However, I need to get them at a specific block. I have seen ...
magecnion's user avatar
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generate types from chain does not work. Documentation is not clear

I dont think typegen is working as expected per documentation, by following the provided example and adapting it to my parachain. ` Found 244 errors in 5 files. Errors Files 5 src/interfaces/augment-...
rvalle's user avatar
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1 answer

polkadot query api and None parameter

Some API queries accept optional parameters Option that can be omitted. How are those queries written with the javascript API? For example: api.query.preimage.preimageFor() takes an Option<(H256,...
rvalle's user avatar
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How to pass value as a argument in send transactions?

An error occurred: 'Expected 2 arguments for the contract message 'vote', but only 1 was provided.First argument was number type, and the second one was Enum . This error arises when attempting to ...
Mozammil Raja's user avatar
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2 answers

Reading contract value returns null

Facing an issue while trying to query for a value in my contract. The value keeps getting retuned as null with an error. However, it works fine on substrate Contracts UI Front end Dapp : const ...
0xD1x0n's user avatar
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Property X does not exist on type DecoratedRpc

We are currently experiencing an issue related to RPC methods. Let me provide a description of the problem: To generate metadata from our node, we use the following command: echo '{"id":1,&...
Michal Danco's user avatar
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How to Implement P2P Encryption with sr25519 key pair using NaCl or alternatives?

I am currently working on a project that involves P2P encryption using Substrate addresses and sr25519 cryptographic keys. However, I am encountering difficulties in implementing encryption and ...
Oleh Mell's user avatar
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How to automatically pass the value to custom SignedExtension

For now I have custom SignedExtension in my substrate node: #[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, TypeInfo)] #[scale_info(skip_type_params(T))] pub struct CheckAccount<T> { ...
Danylo Kyrieiev's user avatar
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How to query api.query.authorityDiscovery.keys?

I'm trying to call api.query.authorityDiscovery.keys as is described here from like: let current_auth_keys = await api.query.authorityDiscovery.keys(); and I keep getting: TypeError: ...
Syed's user avatar
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Invalid Transaction: Transaction has a bad signature - Ledger signature into tx

I am attempting to submit a transaction using Polkadot JS API and a signature that has been signed by Ledger. Upon passing it to send I get the Invalid Transaction: Transaction has a bad signature ...
Ross's user avatar
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How to get raw payload from Polkadot JS transaction

As the title asks, how do we abstract the raw payload of a transaction created with Polkadot JS? // set up a tx, e.g. join a nomination pool const tx = api.tx.nominationPools.join(bond, poolId); // ...
Ross's user avatar
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Trying to get an AccountId32 from a string in js

i'm trying to get an accountId32 from a string. In fact , i received account address in a telegram message but i would like to use native method has of BTreeMap<AccountId32, u32>. anyone got an ...
Greg's user avatar
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2 answers

How to verify that signed transaction, is correctly signed?

I want to decode and check if the given hex data for the transaction is valid and signed correctly. The flowing is how I currently construct the transaction and convert it to hexadecimal format. ...
TarekkMA's user avatar
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How to use smoldot in rust application?

I can find only javascript interfaces and documentation to interact with it, but nothing regarding rust? Feels a bit weird to use js library for rust application in rust application. Neither subxt ...
hitchhooker's user avatar
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Substrate-Connect Error on new ScProvider

I am using Substrate Connect in the browser following the docs for a custom chain spec. When I try to create a new ScProvider like the documentation suggests i get an error that I am missing a ...
donkeydonkey's user avatar
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Is there a .into_sub_account_truncating equivalent for Javascript?

In rust I use: .into_sub_account_truncating() Is there a Javascript equivalent?
Ramsey - Decentration's user avatar
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Question for state call

I'm replacing api.rpc.payment.queryInfo with in the crawler code of Polkastats block explorer but I want to ask about the second parameter len: is that the ...
Mario Pino Uceda's user avatar
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1 answer

How to retrive data stored in a block

I have stored an information on chain and I want to access that information using RPC call. I used the following code and provided the hash created. const signedBlock = await api.rpc.chain.getBlock(...
Stanly Wilson's user avatar
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Embedding javascript (wasm) in substrate runtime

I have some javascript code that I need to embed in my substrate runtime. It's not possible / practical to rewrite the javascript code in rust. I was wondering if instead it would be possible to ...
TauLepton's user avatar
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How to handle XCM encoding and building in JavaScript

Talisman and I are looking into building a simple JS module that helps developers build XCM for transactions and abstract common patterns like cross chain transfers into a simple JS function taking ...
James's user avatar
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JavaScript/TypeScript: How to pass arguments of an array individually to a function?

I want to dynamically call contract functions. The only problem with this is, that all of the functions have a different amount of variables. As of now, the function looks like this: async call(...
rajohs's user avatar
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Run JavaScript Js scripts in Zombienet tests and assert on the completeness or return value

I saw this in Zombienet's Testing DSL page: Under Available Assertions Custom js scripts: Allow to run a defined ...
Russo's user avatar
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How to change input from string to Id::Bytes in JavaScript?

I am using the openbrush standard to implement a psp34 token. Now I want to call certain methods from said token, like for example owner_of. owner_of from psp34 has id:Id as an input which can then be ...
rajohs's user avatar
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How can you query a smart contract using the polkadot.js api?

I want to query a smart contract which I deployed on the Aleph Zero testnet. The Polkadot.js documentation is pretty clear and easy to follow regarding connecting to the chain and querying general ...
rajohs's user avatar
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Create hex encoded call (for XCM transact call) in javascript?

I'm trying to create the encoded element for an XCM V0 transact call such as: const message = { V0: { Transact: { originType: "Native", ...
lucgerrits's user avatar
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How to use the polkadot/dev project template

I'm trying to convert my project over to a structure similar to the @polkadotjs repositories, but I'm finding the dev template provided a bit difficult to parse. Specifically: How do I use this ...
islami00's user avatar
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How can I listen to new receive transfer?

I want to listen to new transfers and get the hash and amount. How can I? Also, Can I get list transfers of account like this url?
user2796's user avatar
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How to create a tuple type using polkadot.js api

I am trying to create a tuple. I know we can create an enum by defining the type as MyEnum: { _enum: { 'account': String, 'accountId': 'u128' ...
Emmanuel Thomas's user avatar
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2 answers

How to signAndSend() without a MNEMONIC

I'm trying to allow users on the client side send an api.tx.system.remark( 'message' ); with PolkadotJS. I run into issues on signing and sending the transaction, as I will not have their secret key. ...
rarara's user avatar
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Get remaining value of bounty after child bounty

I am writing a web app that shows current info about bounties and child bounties. From what i understand if there is a bounty with a value of 5 DOT, I can create N child bounties which values sum up ...
mr-robek's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there any tools available for creating a mock version of a contract in JS/TS?

Currently, we use "live" versions of our contracts running on a substrate contracts node in our JavaScript tests. This makes them integration tests and difficult to include in simple GitHub ...
forgetso's user avatar
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Dev Substrate Node at Capacity for WS Connections, how to flush?

I'm running a node in dev mode: ./substrate/target/release/substrate --dev --tmp --ws-external My client connection code: provider = new WsProvider(wsProvider) api = await new ApiPromise({ provider })....
Matthew Darnell's user avatar
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Access your NFTs using PolkadotJS API

Still very new to this ecosystem. I'm trying to build a ReactApp that can access my NFT's that I have purchased on the Singular App. High level explanation, how do I do this? Low level, point me in ...
rarara's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to programmatically get current unbonding information on the Polkadot relay chain?

Using either a Rust or JavaScript client library I would like to get the amount of DOT that is currently being unbonded on the relay chain. Some staking information is available in the Polkadot JS ...
Rtsne42's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to get the balance of an account at a particular nonce using Polkadot.js API

I want get the balance of an account address at a particular nonce. I only know how to get the latest balance of an account address and its latest nonce (total number of transactions sent from that ...
Lee's user avatar
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How to use the .multi() method? (substrate-front-end-template)

I finished the substrate kitty tutorial (backend and frontend). Now I would like to build a simple frontend for the RMRK pallet. Now I stuck on the .multi(...) method. Where can I find a documentation ...
SiAlDev's user avatar
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Invalid params: unknown field `storageDepositLimit` Error when getting contract data from a chain

I deploy the flipper contract to Jupiter testnet, when I try to get the contract data, I got this error message although it works just fine on a local node. (I also tested on other test networks and ...
Minh Mốc's user avatar
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2 answers

Transaction would exhaust the block limits error when calling a smart contract from Polkadot JS API

I'm trying to call a smart contract using the Polkadot JS API (like here). The contract function is really simple, it takes 2 strings: a key and a value as input parameters, then adds the key, value ...
Minh Mốc's user avatar
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2 answers

Error encountered could not complete yarn install of substrate front end template

Followed the installation steps provided here Steps taken with node version v16.14.0 git clone
John's user avatar
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OutOfGas Error when trying to read contract data using Polkadot JS API

I'm trying to read the flipper contract data from a contract in a local node, following the code in here. This is my code: // Required imports const { ApiPromise, WsProvider } = require("@...
Minh Mốc's user avatar
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