Questions tagged [grandpa]

Any questions relating to the Grandpa pallet or block finality in Substrate chains.

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16 votes
1 answer

Equivocation crash (network with ~100 Aura Validators)

We've had a test network running for about 3.5 months with regularly-rotating sets of Aura / Grandpa Validators. Suddenly, we have run into an issue whereby the vast majority (~2/3) of the network has ...
Tom Nash's user avatar
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12 votes
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What is the difference between Babe, Aura, and Grandpa?

Substrate supports "pluggable consensus" so a developer can choose from among several consensus algorithms. The main Substrate repository contains four algorithms: Aura Babe Proof of Work ...
JoshOrndorff's user avatar
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11 votes
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Understanding in substrate-node-template

Recently, I have been trying to understand the block import for Aura and Grandpa but I don't understand some parts in substrate-node-template/node/ 1- In the new_partial() method when ...
dadzerlaze's user avatar
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10 votes
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GRANDPA not finalizing with 2 of 3 nodes on network

I setup a small 3 node network that is using BABE and GRANDPA. When all 3 nodes are connected, it can produce blocks and finalize them. When 2 of the 3 nodes are connected, it can produce blocks but ...
Max's user avatar
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Are Offences ever pruned?

In our runtime we have a custom implementation of offence reporting. I want to write an adapter for grandpa equivocation offences (implementing the ReportOffence trait), and have been using the ...
dan_chainflip's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Grandpa stuck at "Polling"

I am trying to spin up a small BABE PoS network of four nodes and not able to get GRANDPA to start. It's hard to know what exact pieces of information to provide, here are some notes. A few notes: I ...
Justin Frevert's user avatar
9 votes
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How does a collator or validator choose their signing key?

If I were to insert multiple (valid) author keys over RPC, how does a collator or validator choose which key to sign with when producing a block? As far as I know this cannot be set on start-up.
Gregory Hill's user avatar
8 votes
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How to revert a bricked chain due to bad setCode

I upgraded a chain that uses Grandpa/Aura with code for instant seal by mistake. I believe it may be possible to revert some blocks: But cannot find ...
twhitehead's user avatar
8 votes
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Recovering from stalled finality (babe/grandpa)

While experimenting with a relay chain testnet, Decentration and I ran into this issue with multiple validators on the same node, stalled finality and got the chain into slow block-making mode. We ...
JelliedOwl - Paul's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the internal logic of `--force-authoring` flag?

From where do I get the internal logic of --force-authoring flag? Here is my scenario: I've added a custom chain-spec that is similar to the default one where we are setting the environment for --dev ...
Pawan Bisht's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a connection between MaxAuthorities from authority_discovery, babe and grandpa?

All three pallets (babe, grandpa, and authority_discovery) have a field known as MaxAuthorities. For a chain, should these values all point to the same number or can they be different? From ...
Purple_Turtle's user avatar
6 votes
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Advantages of BABE/GRANDPA over Aura for sovereign chains when weights are equal

I've read through various documentation on consensus algorithms, along with the fellow SE post What is the difference between Babe, Aura, and Grandpa?. I'm unsure what the posited advantage of BABE/...
Kayaba's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Substrate chain reconcilliation with BABE/GRANDPA

With BABE, I understand validators to produce blocks and chosen randomly and multiple validators may be eligible to produce a block, already providing a large amount of forks/fork opportunities. If no ...
Kayaba's user avatar
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6 votes
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What this 'grandpa-voter' error means?

I was doing last section of substrate private network tutorial. Before i stored key set, i could started network smoothly. But after i stored key set of aura and grandpa, i got this error. yc6936@...
Michael kane's user avatar
6 votes
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How to achieve instant finality with substrate?

Ideally, I would like to build a chain with Substrate but using Tendermint as the consensus engine. The problem is that it's a lot of work to implement it correctly. But what if I use AURA (round ...
Timothée Delabrouille's user avatar
5 votes
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How to build a "super light" bridge based on Beefy?

Is it possible / how to build a Beefy super light client for Kusama or Polkadot? Beefy is designed to make the syncing process and finality proof very succinct to enable Ethereum on-chain light client....
h4x3rotab's user avatar
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Backing off claiming new slot for block authorship: finality is lagging

What are the steps to take to restart a chain when finality is lagging behind and block productions is also slowing down. In the logs there are prints like this: Backing off claiming new slot for ...
Simson's user avatar
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Local Relay Stops Finalizing

I've been working on getting a test relay up and running in the cloud (Docker containers running on Debian virtual machines) for remote testing, and we've got everything running. The relay chain is ...
Romulus10's user avatar
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Is there any good way to keep an intermediate state for an operation between several transactions/blocks in a BABE/GRANDPA-based chain?

I know that the best practices suggest designing transactions (pallet calls) in a way that executes the operation atomically and doesn't keep any intermediate states. This guarantees, that in case a ...
Yahor Tsaryk's user avatar
5 votes
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Why has finalization stopped?

So I have a validator_count of 2, and 1 as minimum_validator_count. My validator is always online. I had my friend make another validator, had it enter the active validator set, and then join in as a ...
Purple_Turtle's user avatar
4 votes
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In substrate, does the genesis block get finalised the same way as the subsequent blocks?

In substrate, does the genesis block get finalised the same way as the subsequent blocks, or is finalisation of the genesis block a special case?
kishan sagathiya's user avatar
4 votes
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How to use noteStalled to recover from a finality lagging chain?

From the documentation: Grandpa: noteStalled (delay: u32, best_finalized_block_number: u32) interface: api.tx.grandpa.noteStalled summary: Note that the current authority set of the GRANDPA finality ...
Simson's user avatar
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4 votes
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GRANDPA finality proofs validation and equivocations

I was exploring GRANDPA verification algorithm and stumbled upon this code by the link Source This is the part of method ...
Kirill Taran's user avatar
3 votes
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are justification in the Block the actual votes cast by validators in GRANDPA?

Correct me if i'm wrong: In GRANDPA, validators cast votes for the next finalized Block, which is as far as i understand the Block hash signed + metadata(round number,...etc). My questions are: Are ...
dadzerlaze's user avatar
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How is an external observer supposed to reliably know when the GRANDPA authorities have changed?

The grandpa.proveFinality rpc provides the justification for the last block by a GRANDPA authorities set (of some set_id) and ancestry headers to prove the finality of a block within the same set_id. ...
Shoeb Siddiqui's user avatar
3 votes
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manually creating new blocks with Babe

Currently my consensus engine is Babe, and my finality gadget is Grandpa. But for testing environments I'm wondering if that there is a way to manually force the engine to produce a new block when I ...
Alex Won's user avatar
3 votes
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The flow of a GRANDPA round

I am curious about some details regarding a GRANDPA round (explained in detail). An elected validator that is designated as the primary broadcasts the highest block that it thinks could be final from ...
Daan van der Plas's user avatar
3 votes
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Why does Grandpa not use sr25519?

I note that Grandpa uses ed25519 keys rather than the substrate standard of sr25519. Is it because sr25519 signatures are non-deterministic? ( Why are sr25519 signatures non-deterministic? ) or is ...
Squirrel's user avatar
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2 votes
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Block finalization stalled

I have been running a testing network recently and they have encountered a very strange situation: the finalized has stopped at # 107379 and cannot be further confirmed. The logs of each consensus ...
Yang Elden's user avatar
2 votes
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Currently, does substrate/polkadot make use of PrimaryProposal stage?

While observing the GRANDPA communication between 2 Substrates nodes and 1 Gossamer node I notice that only Prevotes and Precommmits were being exchanged. Currently, are the PrimaryProposal messages ...
eclesiomelo's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to have multiple GRANDPA Pause/Resume for one fork?

While reading the spec polkadot-host-spec_v0.1.1.pdf is not clear if the host should track multiple or just one GRANDPA Pause/Resume consensus message per fork until the target block is finalized/...
eclesiomelo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

No authoring in network using custom keys, a local Rococo chain specification, and a modified substrate-parachain-template

I have read through the documentation on and have created a network of nodes in both a relay and parachain with custom keys. The network is running in Kubernetes (I would like to have ...
Niels Vistisen's user avatar
2 votes
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Where the GRANDPA round state stored at?

I'm writing a tool to build a fork-off chain. But the new chain can not get finalized. I've skipped the Babe/Grandpa/Session's storage. I also check the chain state, that no historical storage under ...
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
2 votes
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How to benchmark pallet Grandpa?

at the moment I struggle a bit with the question of "How to benchmark the Grandpa pallet". Like it seems it's not possible to auto-generate weights at the moment (see here: https://github....
Janislav's user avatar
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Recovering chain from a backup

Prerequisites: A small subset of validators controlled by my company and a much larger set of external validators. A backup of the db folder was created 4 hours (1 epoch) before an incident. ...
Maksim Ramanenkau's user avatar
2 votes
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How to add validators node on running chain in pow substrate chain with grandpa?

I'm working on pow substrate chain with grandpa. How can i add the grandpa validators in the running chain?
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
2 votes
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Switching from `Aura` to `Babe` consensus causes error "Incomplete block import pipeline" on genesis block

I am trying to switch from Aura to Babe consensus. After successful building and node start I am getting an error "Block import error: Incomplete block import pipeline.". This happens with ...
bis rkharisov's user avatar
2 votes
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Finality lagging

After about 50 blocks my block production slows down because none of the nodes are voting in the finality rounds. I'm working off a codebase that I added the grandpa pallet to, so it's possible I may ...
Víctor M. González's user avatar
2 votes
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Equivocations error causing some nodes to crash (Follow up question)

We've been investigating an issue that's most likely related to this post, and this issue. But unsure if the underlying cause is the same, I'm looking for some help to confirm my understanding of this ...
Mo Elshami's user avatar
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Grandpa authorities in the context of pallet-staking

In pallet-staking's genesis config there are two items : pub validator_count: u32, pub minimum_validator_count: u32, Question : How are we to interpret them in the context of Grandpa finality? I know ...
Purple_Turtle's user avatar
1 vote
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how to solve Detected prevote equivocation in the finality worker issue?

I am getting this issue after performing the solution of this issue How can we restart the chain if it becomes stuck during data migration? Tried to run the existing chain with new chain spec with bad ...
Pankaj's user avatar
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Is the random number generation safe for pallet_lottery?

I read this post of Shawn and found out, that random numbers for lotteries are not reliable, even with VRF on GRANDPA since the validators could earn ...
Chralt's user avatar
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Grandpa AuthorityWeights

There's code in Grandpa to have different "Authority Weights" assigned to each validator. It doesn't appear to be accessible beyond in a genesis block. Does someone know the intended purpose ...
blakeb's user avatar
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Is it possible to start a substrate BABE blockchain with no Grandpa authorities and BABE validators?

I'm trying to implement a PoS network on substrate using substrate provided pallets - pallet_session, pallet_staking, pallet_babe, etc. The current Runtime and chain spec implementation is similar to ...
Kofi's user avatar
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Why is App_Crypto not building in frame system runtime [closed]

When building I am running into this error: error: cannot find macro `format` in this scope --> /Users/jackson/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/22d40c7/primitives/finality-...
Jacgoldberg's user avatar
1 vote
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Grandpa + Babe finality issues

Starting with the node-template, I switched my chains block authoring from Aura to Babe, which compiles fine but does not manage to finalize any blocks. I suspect it's a wrong genesis configuration. ...
Mathis Wellmann's user avatar
1 vote
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How to recover finality after validator "forced" it due to high finality lag (500+ blocks)

Following a relay runtime upgrade for westend 103000 (which contained a broken migration of the beefy keys), our chain stopped finalizing blocks (all validators, except 1, had the wrong keys on-chain)....
Crystalin's user avatar
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How do I disable grandpa in polkadot-parachain?

There is a flag that you can add when running polkadot-parachain --no-grandpa Disable GRANDPA. Disables voter when running in validator mode, otherwise disable the ...
forgetso's user avatar
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Replace GRANDPA finanlity

Hello can someone please help me understand all steps and all functions needed to be implemented for replacing finality gadget in experimental substrate chain?
llvm_ninja's user avatar
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thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' has overflowed its stack fatal runtime error: stack overflow Aborted (core dumped)

we are running a stand alone Blockchain network by using POA consensus mechanism. The chain was working fine and after producing 8 Lac Blocks the nodes we down and now i have tried to re-execute same ...
BlockBird's user avatar