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Questions tagged [grandpa]

Any questions relating to the Grandpa pallet or block finality in Substrate chains.

17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there any good way to keep an intermediate state for an operation between several transactions/blocks in a BABE/GRANDPA-based chain?

I know that the best practices suggest designing transactions (pallet calls) in a way that executes the operation atomically and doesn't keep any intermediate states. This guarantees, that in case a ...
Yahor Tsaryk's user avatar
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Why has finalization stopped?

So I have a validator_count of 2, and 1 as minimum_validator_count. My validator is always online. I had my friend make another validator, had it enter the active validator set, and then join in as a ...
Purple_Turtle's user avatar
3 votes
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Could not cast prevote: previously known block 0x_ has disappeared

The finalization is blocked on our development chain and I have these logs: 2024-07-12 19:37:00 ✨ Imported #2208390 (0x85e0…1a0a) 2024-07-12 19:37:01 💤 Idle (14 peers), best: #2208390 (0x85e0…...
Hugo Trentesaux's user avatar
2 votes
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Recovering chain from a backup

Prerequisites: A small subset of validators controlled by my company and a much larger set of external validators. A backup of the db folder was created 4 hours (1 epoch) before an incident. ...
Maksim Ramanenkau's user avatar
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How to add validators node on running chain in pow substrate chain with grandpa?

I'm working on pow substrate chain with grandpa. How can i add the grandpa validators in the running chain?
Deepak Chaudhary's user avatar
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Switching from `Aura` to `Babe` consensus causes error "Incomplete block import pipeline" on genesis block

I am trying to switch from Aura to Babe consensus. After successful building and node start I am getting an error "Block import error: Incomplete block import pipeline.". This happens with ...
bis rkharisov's user avatar
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Finality lagging

After about 50 blocks my block production slows down because none of the nodes are voting in the finality rounds. I'm working off a codebase that I added the grandpa pallet to, so it's possible I may ...
Víctor M. González's user avatar
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Grandpa authorities in the context of pallet-staking

In pallet-staking's genesis config there are two items : pub validator_count: u32, pub minimum_validator_count: u32, Question : How are we to interpret them in the context of Grandpa finality? I know ...
Purple_Turtle's user avatar
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Why does a block in Substrate-based blockchain have no author and no reward points?

We encountered an issue in our Substrate-based blockchain network where a block has no author and no reward points were given to any validator. This block was finalised. The block was an era-...
Toufeeq's user avatar
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How to recover finality after validator "forced" it due to high finality lag (500+ blocks)

Following a relay runtime upgrade for westend 103000 (which contained a broken migration of the beefy keys), our chain stopped finalizing blocks (all validators, except 1, had the wrong keys on-chain)....
Crystalin's user avatar
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How do I disable grandpa in polkadot-parachain?

There is a flag that you can add when running polkadot-parachain --no-grandpa Disable GRANDPA. Disables voter when running in validator mode, otherwise disable the ...
forgetso's user avatar
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Replace GRANDPA finanlity

Hello can someone please help me understand all steps and all functions needed to be implemented for replacing finality gadget in experimental substrate chain?
llvm_ninja's user avatar
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How to start a GRANDPA blockchain without any initial voters?

I've tried modifying the repository so initial voters for the grandpa pallet. In doing so, I noticed there are many checks to prevent that modification. The reason why we do not want any initial ...
Kofi's user avatar
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Can I Delete AURA and GRANDPA?

In this tutorial it is explained how to create a PoW node. Neither AURA nor GRANDPA are used throughout the tutorial. Also here it's stated that such node will not finalize produced blocks. The ...
CREESTL's user avatar
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How would adding more weight to grandpa voting of my initial authority at genesis affect finality?

Currently I am starting my node with one authority, and the genesis config for grandpa looks like this : grandpa: GrandpaConfig { authorities: vec![] }, Would it be possible to assign some privileged ...
Purple_Turtle's user avatar
0 votes
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Validator goes offline after setting wrong session keys

I am running solo chain with 4 validators. What I did wrong: I rotated session keys of second validator and by mistake, I set those keys as a part of first validator>>Session Keys. After that, ...
Boleng's user avatar
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grandpa: maximum length of finalized blocks

In Grandpa finality protocol, blocks are finalized in chunks. Is there a limit of how many blocks can be in 1 array of blocks. Is there a way to estimate this amount?
cocokick's user avatar
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