
I've added pallet-nft and pallet-uniques in Relay Chain. All the things are working fine but when I'm signing the transaction in the pallet-uniques fn create(collection,admin), it is showing me this error:

1002: Verification Error: Runtime error: Execution failed: Execution aborted due to trap: wasm trap: wasm unreachable instruction executed WASM backtrace: 0: 0x547257 - !rust_begin_unwind 1: 0x54ee - !core::panicking::panic_fmt::hca80ede79c2b9c5b 2: 0x29ff1c - !TaggedTransactionQueue_validate_transaction : RuntimeApi, Execution failed: Execution aborted due to trap: wasm trap: wasm unreachable instruction executed\nWASM backtrace:\n\n 0: 0x547257 - !rust_begin_unwind\n 1: 0x54ee

  • Could you paste the entire error message in as text too, it will be useful for searches in the future.
    – Simson
    Commented Jun 13, 2023 at 6:29
  • 1002: Verification Error: Runtime error: Execution failed: Execution aborted due to trap: wasm trap: wasm unreachable instruction executed WASM backtrace: 0: 0x547257 - <unknown>!rust_begin_unwind 1: 0x54ee - <unknown>!core::panicking::panic_fmt::hca80ede79c2b9c5b 2: 0x29ff1c - <unknown>!TaggedTransactionQueue_validate_transaction : RuntimeApi, Execution failed: Execution aborted due to trap: wasm trap: wasm unreachable instruction executed\nWASM backtrace:\n\n 0: 0x547257 - <unknown>!rust_begin_unwind\n 1: 0x54ee - Commented Jun 13, 2023 at 6:39
  • Edit the the post and put it in the question
    – Simson
    Commented Jun 13, 2023 at 8:15
  • Try refreshing polkadot-js. Do you have added the pallets through a runtime upgrade?
    – bkchr
    Commented Jun 13, 2023 at 14:34
  • No i've added locally before starting the chain Commented Jun 19, 2023 at 5:51

2 Answers 2


You probably need to specify custom types.json in polkadot.js.org. These links might be helpful:

  1. https://polkadot.js.org/docs/api/start/types.extend/
  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68487857/how-to-generate-types-json-in-substrate

Also, try to clear the browser cache.


You may check your implementation of WeightInfo in runtime/src.

In my case, I had a runtime/src/weight.rs file with some functions left without weight benchmarking, I just had a bunch of todo!() macros. The problem was resolved when I replaced them with actual weights.

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