What is the difference in these two approaches for cross contract calls? One uses the {Contract}Ref and the other uses the build_call().delegate() method. Both methods do not require the contract to be instantiated and only require the code hash.

let adder = AdderRef::new(accumulator.clone(), staker_code_hash)


                 .try_invoke() {
                     Ok(value) => value,
                     Err(err) => match err {
                         ink_env::Error::Decode(err) => panic!("Failed to decode return value: {:?}", err.to_string()),
                         _ => panic!("Failed to invoke `stake`"),
  • You are using build_call().delegate, but you can also use build_call().call which takes callee AccountId as a parameter and you do not need hash. docs.rs/ink_env/4.2.0/ink_env/call/… That makes build_call() to be more usable if you call already deployed contract.
    – Maario
    Commented May 29, 2023 at 16:51

1 Answer 1


You don't need the contract interface reference object in advance for using buil_call. You just pass the contract address with function selector and its parameter in low-level call format.

  • These 2 code snippets are both separate examples. They show 2 different methods for call cross contract. One approach uses the contract Ref and the other uses the code_hash for the delegate() method.
    – Snowmead
    Commented May 13, 2023 at 13:16

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