I am attempting to submit a transaction using Polkadot JS API and a signature that has been signed by Ledger. Upon passing it to send
I get the Invalid Transaction: Transaction has a bad signature
The payload is generated roughly as follows:
const lastHeader = await api.rpc.chain.getHeader();
const payload = {
specVersion: api.runtimeVersion.specVersion.toHex(),
transactionVersion: api.runtimeVersion.transactionVersion.toHex(),
address: submitAddress,
blockHash: lastHeader.hash.toHex(),
blockNumber: lastHeader.number.toHex(),
genesisHash: api.genesisHash.toHex(),
method: api.createType('Call', tx).toHex(),
nonce: tx.nonce.toHex(),
signedExtensions: Object.values(
api.registry.metadata.extrinsic.signedExtensions.toHuman() || {}
).map((e: any) => e.identifier),
tip: tx.tip.toHex(),
version: tx.version,
const raw = api.registry.createType('ExtrinsicPayload', payload);
The Ledger device is successfully generating a signature, using @zondax/ledger-substrate-js
's sign
I am then injecting this signature into the tx
like so:
tx.addSignature(from, hexAddPrefix(signature.toString('hex')));
const unsub = await tx.send(({ status, events = [] }: AnyApi) => {
This is yielding an error:
RpcError: 1010: Invalid Transaction: Transaction has a bad signature
console logging tx.toHuman()
after addSignature
gives the following:
"isSigned": true,
"method": {
"args": {
"amount": "20,000,000,000",
"pool_id": "15"
"method": "join",
"section": "nominationPools"
"era": {
"ImmortalEra": "0x00"
"nonce": "0",
"signature": "0x4ce81c594615f5b0812b29f392081ae07fd65a142998fca1a2f9f81d67ded13098cd544689b401ca7c915b23ec6bf58a51aba7ba4eec51f7eb491f5af0c95b09",
"signer": {
"Id": "16F1ghy4bMr72BGyin7ryTxiQqJFJwpePsNJcZo1p6dUGVZT"
"tip": "0"
What is incorrect / missing in the above snippets that is yielding this error?