In the scenario where a cross-contract call from contract A to contract B fails, how can we manage the resulting errors? Specifically, if the call from A to B is unsuccessful, what are the options for updating the storage of contract A based on this outcome?

  • I'm gonna try and write a better answer soon, but you should take a look at the "try" methods from the CallBuilder: docs.rs/ink_env/4.0.1/ink_env/call/…. Basically there are three types of errors to handle: Environment errors, Language errors, and Contract errors. Storage changes aren't as big a hassle as in Substrate
    – HCastano
    Commented Mar 17, 2023 at 3:17

1 Answer 1


All the code I mention here is available in this repo.

There are three types of errors that you need to may want to handle when doing cross-contract calls

  1. Contract Errors: defined by the smart contract you're interacting with
  2. Language Errors (ink::LangError): defined by the programming language you're using, e.g ink!
  3. Environment Errors (ink::env::Error): defined by the underlying execution environment, e.g pallet-contracts

In all cases we can handle these different errors using CallBuilder::try_invoke and continue execution (including writing to storage) if we wish.

First, let's assume the contract we're calling into (i.e callee) has the two following message:

pub fn contract_error(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> {
pub fn environment_error(&mut self) {

Next, in our caller contract has the following type definitions in place (it'll make things a bit easier to follow).

use ink::MessageResult;
use ink::env::Result as EnvResult;

type ContractResult = core::result::Result<(), ()>;

We can handle the different errors as follows:

Contract Error

pub fn contract_error(&mut self, address: AccountId) {
    let result = build_call::<DefaultEnvironment>()
        .returns::<Result<(), ()>>()
    match result {
        EnvResult::Ok(MessageResult::Ok(ContractResult::Err(_))) => {
            self.value = !self.value;
        _ => unimplemented!(),

Language Error

pub fn lang_error(&mut self, address: AccountId) {
    let result = build_call::<DefaultEnvironment>()
    // Note: You can match on more specific `LangError`s here.
    // See [`ink::LangError`] for more.
    match result {
        EnvResult::Ok(MessageResult::Err(_)) => {
            self.value = !self.value;
        _ => unimplemented!(),

Environment Error

pub fn environment_error(&mut self, address: AccountId) {
    let result = build_call::<DefaultEnvironment>()
    // Note: You can match on more specific `EnvError`s here.
    // See [`ink::env::Error`] for more.
    match result {
        EnvResult::Err(_) => {
            self.value = !self.value;
        _ => unimplemented!()

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