I am trying to reimplement one of the Substrate tutorials:
But I am stuck with an issue - where it says to do Scheduler -> Schedule -> sudo transaction to set code with the new runtime version when I try to sign this transaction (scheduled in 20+ blocks from the current block like it says in the tutorial) I am getting the following error:
When I go to Network -> explorer I see this:
A sudo just took place. [result]
sudoResult: Result<Null, SpRuntimeDispatchError>
Had anyone faced this before? And how do you solve it? It is a tutorial and based on demo pre-defined data, so "not enough moneyunits to pay for your gas" shouldn't be an issue, I would imagine.
UPD: The question is specifically about the second part of the Substrate tutorial - where they use Scheduler pallet and sudo query to schedule runtime upgrade. This part: