I tried using @polkadot/util
's formatBalance
function to get the formatted balance of the account. But it doesn't make sense.
I believe unit conversion is not working properly and I wonder what I am doing wrong.
await this.api?.query.system.account('5C8Nk6HL1eYNu3NADXDGzARdNYv6uuqoQ2FCQH26odo3Tpvt', ({ nonce, data: balance }) => {
console.log('balance:', balance.free.toHuman())
const free = this.formatBalance(balance.free.toHuman().replace(',', '')).split(' ');
console.log('$balanceChanges', `{"free": "${free[0]}", "freeUnit": "${free[1]}", "reserved": "${balance.reserved.toHuman()}", "nonce": "${nonce.toHuman()}"}`);
balance: 399,999,874,999,852 // should be 399 nanoDES
$balanceChanges {"free": "399.9986", "freeUnit": "mDES", "reserved": "0", "nonce": "4"}
balance: 1,000,399,999,874,999,852 // should be 1 DES
$balanceChanges {"free": "99.9639", "freeUnit": "kDES", "reserved": "0", "nonce": "4"}
balance: 99,399,999,499,999,407 // should be 99.39 milliDES
$balanceChanges {"free": "993.9869", "freeUnit": "DES", "reserved": "0", "nonce": "7"}
> this.api?.registry.chainDecimals
import { BN, formatBalance as mFormatBalance } from '@polkadot/util';
formatBalance(balance: number | string | BN | bigint): string {
return mFormatBalance(balance, { withUnit: 'DES' }, this.api?.registry.chainDecimals[0]);