Say I want to spin up a local Rococo test network with:

  • Four validators
  • Two parachains
  • One collator per parachain

How do I do this with Zombienet?

1 Answer 1


You'll need to download the Zombienet executable.

You can find linux and macOS executables of the Zombienet CLI here:

Download the Zombienet CLI according to your operating system.

Tip: If you want the executable to be available system-wide then you can follow these steps (otherwise just download the executable to your working directory):

wget https://github.com/paritytech/zombienet/releases/download/v1.3.100/zombienet-macos
chmod +x zombienet-macos 
cp zombienet-macos /usr/local/bin

Make sure Zombienet CLI is installed correctly:

./zombienet-macos --help

You should see some similar output:

Usage: zombienet [options] [command]

  -c, --spawn-concurrency <concurrency>    Number of concurrent spawning process to launch, default is 1
  -p, --provider <provider>                Override provider to use (choices: "podman", "kubernetes", "native")
  -l, --logType <logType>                  Type of logging - defaults to 'table' (choices: "table", "text", "silent")
  -d, --dir <path>                         Directory path for placing the network files instead of random temp one (e.g. -d /home/user/my-zombienet)
  -f, --force                              Force override all prompt commands
  -h, --help                               display help for command

  spawn [options] <networkConfig> [creds]  Spawn the network defined in the config
  test <testFile> [runningNetworkSpec]     Run tests on the network defined
  setup [options] <binaries...>            Setup is meant for downloading and making dev environment of ZombieNet ready
  convert <filePath>                       Convert is meant for transforming a (now deprecated) polkadot-launch configuration to zombienet configuration
  version                                  Prints zombienet version
  help [command]                           display help for command

Setting up your network config

Zombienet works with a network config file. This file is where you specify your test network's configuration. The network config file is also where you can specify the Polkadot/Cumulus binaries.

Create a network config file:

touch network.toml

So in this example network config we are specifying that we want a Rococo Relay chain with four validators and two parachains - each with one collator. Make sure you have the compiled binaries available.

Zombienet also works with other providers such as Kubernetes and Podman.

chain = "rococo-local"
default_command = "/Users/bruno/Library/Caches/pop/polkadot-v1.10.0"

name = "alice"
validator = true

name = "bob"
validator = true

name = "charlie"
validator = true

name = "dave"
validator = true

id = 9090
default_command = "awesome-parachain"

name = "pop"
command = "/Users/bruno/src/awesome-parachain/target/debug/awesome-parachain"

Save the file and run the Zombienet CLI using this network config:

./zombienet-macos -p native spawn network.toml

You should see some nicely formatted output stating that the nodes are up and ready.

You can now interact with your nodes in polkadotJS apps!

  • You can also try pop-cli.
    – Bruno
    Commented Apr 29 at 16:14

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