I'm using @polkadot-js to decode extrinsic data. The following method call returns a timestamp at a specific block, but I don't know how to parse this.

I tried assuming that it's a unix timestamp in seconds and parsing it like so, but it doesn't fit. Is this in nanoseconds? milliseconds?

How can I parse it into a date object in my favorite programming language?

const timestamp = await api.query.timestamp.now.at(blockHash);

The docs: https://polkadot.js.org/docs/substrate/storage#now-u64

Example: 1590512778000 (Could it be that my timestamps being incorrectly decoded?)

2 Answers 2


Substrate are time stamped by a number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 UTC.

This convention is widely adopted by many modern programming environments. Here is a simple example in JS with the timestamp you provided:

let time = new Date(1590512778000)
> "Tue May 26 2020 11:06:18 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)"
  • 1
    Originally unix timestamps are represented by seconds. It's worth clarifying that in Substrate this number is in milliseconds.
    – pepyakin
    Commented Feb 18, 2022 at 13:50

Hmm.. I guess it's an epoch mill

use below site.


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