I have client which works in parallel with custom pallet through Api implementation. To do proper testing I have to implement pallet for runtime similarly how construct_runtime!
does to be able to refer to it. What is the approach to achieve this? Maybe some client already implements this? Thanks.
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1 Answer
Why not just use construct_runtime!
In every pallet, we write tests which mock a runtime environment like this:
use crate as pallet_template;
use frame_support::traits::{ConstU16, ConstU64};
use frame_system as system;
use sp_core::H256;
use sp_runtime::{
traits::{BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup},
type UncheckedExtrinsic = frame_system::mocking::MockUncheckedExtrinsic<Test>;
type Block = frame_system::mocking::MockBlock<Test>;
// Configure a mock runtime to test the pallet.
pub enum Test where
Block = Block,
NodeBlock = Block,
UncheckedExtrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic,
System: frame_system::{Pallet, Call, Config, Storage, Event<T>},
TemplateModule: pallet_template::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
impl system::Config for Test {
type BaseCallFilter = frame_support::traits::Everything;
type BlockWeights = ();
type BlockLength = ();
type DbWeight = ();
type Origin = Origin;
type Call = Call;
type Index = u64;
type BlockNumber = u64;
type Hash = H256;
type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
type AccountId = u64;
type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
type Header = Header;
type Event = Event;
type BlockHashCount = ConstU64<250>;
type Version = ();
type PalletInfo = PalletInfo;
type AccountData = ();
type OnNewAccount = ();
type OnKilledAccount = ();
type SystemWeightInfo = ();
type SS58Prefix = ConstU16<42>;
type OnSetCode = ();
type MaxConsumers = frame_support::traits::ConstU32<16>;
impl pallet_template::Config for Test {
type Event = Event;
// Build genesis storage according to the mock runtime.
pub fn new_test_ext() -> sp_io::TestExternalities {
and then tests like:
use crate::{mock::*, Error};
use frame_support::{assert_noop, assert_ok};
fn it_works_for_default_value() {
new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
// Dispatch a signed extrinsic.
assert_ok!(TemplateModule::do_something(Origin::signed(1), 42));
// Read pallet storage and assert an expected result.
assert_eq!(TemplateModule::something(), Some(42));
fn correct_error_for_none_value() {
new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
// Ensure the expected error is thrown when no value is present.
assert_noop!(TemplateModule::cause_error(Origin::signed(1)), Error::<Test>::NoneValue);
These are from the node-template
, but should be doable in whatever context you want.