Can somebody please guide me how to convert public hex key (which is in String format) to T::AccountId?

I have an extrinsic, which is accepting public key 0x307832363438323861303334393166336234666530316165643XXXXXXXXXX in String.

I have to decode it into AccountId. Can somebody please help me to fix this?

1 Answer 1

// pallet/lib.rs
trait Config: frame_system::Config {
  type AccountIdFromHex: AccountIdFromHex<AccountId = Self::AccountId>;

trait AccountIdFromHex {
  type AccountId;

  fn try_from_hex(hex: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self::AccountId>;

// runtime/lib.rs
impl Config for Runtime {
  type AccountIdFromHex = Converter;

struct Converter;
impl AccountIdFromHex for Converter {
  type AccountId = AccountId32;

  fn from_hex(hex: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self::AccountId> {
    array_bytes::vec_n_into::<_, _, 32>(hex).map_err(..)


If lost the generic ability for your pallet is acceptable. Simply do:

trait Config: frame_system::Config<AccountId = AccountId32> {

fn your_extrinsic(hex: Vec<u8>) -> Result<..> {
  let account_id = array_bytes::vec_n_into::<_, T::AccountId, 32>(hex).map_err(..)?;


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