I'm working on a feature that requires pallet-nfts ForceOrigin to only be callable by an account configured inside a separated pallet's storage. For example in pallet-A I have the following

pub type Authority<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, T::AccountId, OptionQuery>;

Now I need to configure pallet-nfts ForceOrigin to take this Authority as the allowed origin. For this I'm trying to use EnsureOriginBy like this

impl pallet_nfts::Config for Runtime {
    type ForceOrigin = EnsureSignedBy<Authority, AccountId>;

How could I define Authority in the runtime config to get the value in pallet-A storage?

I have an alternative solution which is to define the account directly in the runtime config

pub const Authority: AccountId = AccountId::from(hex_literal::hex!("00000000000000000000000000000000000"));

But this would mean that the only way to change this authority is via a runtime upgrade and not though a call to a setAuthority() extrinsic in pallet-A

2 Answers 2


type Who in EnsureSignedBy<Who, AccountId> is bounded by SortedMembers trait. Implement this either for your pallet or for a custom struct:

pub struct AuthorityProvider<T: crate::Config>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData);

impl<T: crate::Config> SortedMembers<T::AccountId> for AuthorityProvider<T> {
   fn sorted_members() -> Vec<T::AccountId> {
       if let Some(authority) = Authority::<T>::get() {
           return vec![authority]

   fn contains(who: &T::AccountId) -> bool {
       if let Some(authority) = Authority::<T>::get() {
           return authority == who

Then pass it to EnsureSignedBy:

type ForceOrigin = EnsureSignedBy<pallet_a::AuthorityProvider<Runtime>, AccountId>;
  • This worked flawlessly, thank you Commented Apr 15 at 19:10
  • glad it helped. please, upvote or accept as answer :)
    – dastansam
    Commented Apr 16 at 8:20

You can write your own EnsureOrigin implementation:

struct EnsureAuthority<T>(core::marker::PhantomData<T>);

impl<T> EnsureOrigin<T::RuntimeOrigin> for EnsureAuthority<T> 
   T: Config,
   T::RuntimeOrigin: Into<Result<RawOrigin<T::AccountId>, T::RuntimeOrigin>> + From<RawOrigin<T::AccountId>,
    type Success = ();
    fn try_origin(o: T::RuntimeOrigin) -> Result<Self::Success, O> {
        match o.clone().into()? {
             RawOrigin::Signed(s) if Authority::<T>::get().map_or(false, |a| a == s) => Ok(()),
             r => Err(r.into()),

    #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
    fn try_successful_origin() -> Result<T::RuntimeOrigin, ()> {

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