We lack concensus on availability bitfields in the sense that validator could report different bitfields, maybe because one validator sends different bitfields to every other validator. We therefore have no shared message which validators could threshold sign.
We do collect sets of bitfields on the relay chain, but block production has forks. We therefore do not have concensus upon bitfields even after they appear on-chain. We do implicitly sign all the bitfields in grandpa, and could do threshold signing in beefy, but this comes quite late.
In other words, we'd need a blockchain plus three-round finality gadget merely for concensus upon the bitfields, so that's effectively like 4 n signatures per block. Why bother?
Instead we mitigate relay chain forks using softer methods, and operate upon each fork when necessary, so then we liberate the (availability) cores faster. If we waited then any stall would freeze parachains too, which maybe limits our migration of relay chain functionality to parachains.
Also, is the information on who is storing the data used somewhere?
Yes, we already have pairwise connections between all validators of course, but afaik we still only attempt downloads from nodes who say they have their chunk. We've nobody coordinating the transfers like trackers do in bittorrent, so the transpose of all the bitfields acts like tracker data for us.
Ideally we should've pushed this bittorrent analogy deeper into the code, but everyone loves their not-invented-here.
I am not aware of any other use of accountability in the current system.
We want BEEFY signatures to be accountable because bridges use them. And regular threshold signatures cannot really be accountable.
wouldn't it be cheaper to store a threshold signature, rather than the bitfields?
Afaik storage costs are irrelevant, but..
Afaik there is no reason anybody but polkadot validators cares about availability in polkadot. In principle, one could archive some "stripped" version of polkadot blocks which only contained candidate recipets and their inclusion/enaction remarks, but no bitfields. A BEEFY proof would represent validity for these, so availability could be forgotten entirely.