I am working on "ASTAR" parachain scene(TestNet: Shibuya).
I can sign message(unsigned-transaction) on offline environment and then broadcast signed-messaged(signed-transaction). When signing message, I used "signWith" method with keypair(keyring.addFromUri(mnemonic)).
I need to sign message(unsigned-transaction) with private-key created by below attached logic on offline environment.
But, I couldn't find out how to sign with that key.
import { mnemonicGenerate, cryptoWaitReady, mnemonicToMiniSecret, ed25519PairFromSeed } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
import { hexToU8a, u8aToHex } from '@polkadot/util';
import * as ed from '@noble/ed25519'; // npm install @noble/[email protected] (2.0 doesn't support import via 'require')
const generatePrivateKeys = async () => {
const mnemonic = mnemonicGenerate(); // Creates a valid mnemonic string using using [BIP39]
console.log(`mnemonic : ${mnemonic}`);
await cryptoWaitReady();
const seed = mnemonicToMiniSecret(mnemonic);
console.log(`seed : ${seed}`);
const { publicKey, secretKey } = ed25519PairFromSeed(seed);
const seedToImport = hexToU8a(u8aToHex(secretKey).slice(2,66));
// console.log("initial seed :", u8aToHex(seedToImport));
// Derive the Ed25519 key pair from the seed according to RFC-8032 (Section 5.1.5)
const hash = await ed.utils.sha512(seedToImport)
let left = hash.slice(0,32)
left[0] &= 248;
left[31] &= 127;
left[31] |= 64;
const privateKeyToImport = modlLE(left);
const publicKeyToImport = ed.Point.BASE.multiply(privateKeyToImport);
console.log("private key :", privateKeyToImport.toString(16).padStart(64, '0'))
console.log("public key :", Buffer.from(publicKeyToImport.toRawBytes()).toString("hex"))
function mod(a, b) {
const res = a % b;
return res >= BigInt(0) ? res : b + res;
function bytesToNumberLE(uint8a) {
if (!(uint8a instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error('Expected Uint8Array');
return BigInt('0x' + bytesToHex(Uint8Array.from(uint8a).reverse()));
function modlLE(hash) {
return mod(bytesToNumberLE(hash), ed.CURVE.l);
const hexes = Array.from({ length: 256 }, (v, i) => i.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'));
function bytesToHex(uint8a) {
if (!(uint8a instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error('Uint8Array expected');
let hex = '';
for (let i = 0; i < uint8a.length; i++) {
hex += hexes[uint8a[i]];
return hex;
generatePrivateKeys().catch(console.error).finally(() => process.exit());
Q1) Is it possible to sign a message with private key?
Q1-1) If so, can I get some reference contents or sample code?
Q1-2) If not, is it need to convert private key or another methods?
Q2) Where can I get some technical-information about cryptography on polkadot? Substate? or Parity?
sign with private key(Not secret key)
? I want to know in what context you are referring private key and secret key.