I'm working on one pallet in which i have to initiate hrmp channel within the code of both "mock.rs" and in the "test.rs.". Can someone please guide me through this?

1 Answer 1


If you only want to mock this communications to test your instructions take a look at the XCM docs examples. It has an example of how to mock a Relay Chain runtime and a parachain Runtime, and it uses the XCM Simulator to setup the environment for testing.

use xcm_simulator::{decl_test_network, decl_test_parachain, decl_test_relay_chain};

decl_test_parachain! {
    pub struct ParaA {
        Runtime = parachain::Runtime,
        XcmpMessageHandler = parachain::MsgQueue,
        DmpMessageHandler = parachain::MsgQueue,
        new_ext = para_ext(1),

decl_test_parachain! {
    pub struct ParaB {
        Runtime = parachain::Runtime,
        XcmpMessageHandler = parachain::MsgQueue,
        DmpMessageHandler = parachain::MsgQueue,
        new_ext = para_ext(2),

decl_test_parachain! {
    pub struct ParaC {
        Runtime = parachain::Runtime,
        XcmpMessageHandler = parachain::MsgQueue,
        DmpMessageHandler = parachain::MsgQueue,
        new_ext = para_ext(2),

decl_test_relay_chain! {
    pub struct Relay {
        Runtime = relay_chain::Runtime,
        XcmConfig = relay_chain::XcmConfig,
        new_ext = relay_ext(),

decl_test_network! {
    pub struct MockNet {
        relay_chain = Relay,
        parachains = vec![
            (1, ParaA),
            (2, ParaB),
            (3, ParaC),

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