I want to get the meta function description of pallets storage maps. Returning an output like this:
{ Twox64Concat, [u8; 16], u32 } = query.storagemap(pallet: "template", storagemap: "SomeMap")
This is a storage map I created and spun up the substrate node template:
pub(super) type SomeMap<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, [u8; 16], u32>;
The metadata only gives limited information about the storage map:
name: SomeMap
modifier: Optional
type: {
Map: {
hashers: [
key: 111
value: 4
fallback: 0x00
docs: []
I'm trying to get the function input types,
The only type information I'm able to gathered is what polkadot.js gives me:
~ flipchan