I'm trying to get the associated KSM address for a generic address. I was wondering if there was a simple way to do this using polkadot-js library

2 Answers 2

const { encodeAddress } = polkadotUtilCrypto;
let kusama_prefix = 2;
let kusama_address = encodeAddress(generic_address, kusama_prefix);

For example:

polkadotUtilCrypto.encodeAddress("5DksjtJER6oLDWkWKCWcL3f1swPWeNNFsS9zHxa2rPa7LsH9", 2)

> "EGVQCe73TpFyAZx5uKfE1222XfkT3BSKozjgcqzLBnc5eYo" 

These are not in Polkadot{.js} API, however they are simple to use:

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