When declaring types, with generic parameters, to be stored in runtime storage, it’s common to see this pattern

#[derive(Encode, Decode, MaxEncodedLen, TypeInfo)]
pub struct MyItem<TypeA, TypeB> {
    pub item_a: TypeA,
    pub item_b: TypeB,

type MyItemOf<T> = MyItem<<T as Config>::TypeA, <T as Config>::TypeB>;

However, this seems a bit clunky, and I have tried the following

#[derive(Encode, Decode, MaxEncodedLen, TypeInfo)]
pub struct MyItem<T: Config> {
    pub item_a: T::TypeA,
    pub item_b: T::TypeB,

only to get an error saying that T doesn’t implement TypeInfo. This is what I ran into in the past, so I've used the first pattern above for some time.

There’s a way to get the second approach above to work by using #[scale_info(skip_type_params(..))] to tell scale_info to ignore that T doesn't implement TypeInfo.

Still, I run into the error that MyItem<T> doesn't implement parity_scale_codec::MaxEncodedLen. I've looked around and found that the Substrate Kitties tutorial uses the #[codec(mel_bound)] attribute on its Kitty<T> struct. I found that it also works in my case and I ended up with

#[derive(Encode, Decode, MaxEncodedLen, TypeInfo)]
pub struct MyItem<T: Config> {
    pub item_a: T::TypeA,
    pub item_b: T::TypeB,

However, I don't quite understand how #[codec(mel_bound())] works and what are the tradeoffs involved with it. I couldn't find much documentation around it. Would anyone be kind enough to explain how it works?

1 Answer 1


skip_type_params(T) boils down to the same as mel_bound(), both will have an empty where-bound for the implementation of MaxEncodedLen. The advantage of skip_type_params is that if there are more generic parameters it is easier to skip single ones, while mel_bound() skips all generic parameters.

By default the macro will put the following where-bound: T: MaxEncodedLen. As you already have seen, this is wrong. So, we have the mel_bound attribute which lets you as a developer write the where-bound manually. You could write mel_bound(T::TypeA: MaxEncodedLen, T::TypeB: MaxEncodedLen) and it would compile as well. However, you don't need this because you probably have the bound on TypeA: MaxEncodedLen in your trait declaration. So, you just write mel_bound() to get an empty where-bound.

There is actually an issue to also add skip_type_params support to scale-codec: https://github.com/paritytech/parity-scale-codec/issues/316

  • Thanks a lot for your answer! I hope these things can be unified in the future with skip_type_params
    – Angelo
    Apr 19, 2022 at 21:24

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