Basically, the title. What are the strategies around updating inherents over time and maintaining backwards-compatibility? How would I for example, take one inherent's InherentData, and update its type to be something else?

I imagine that it is not quite the same challenge of upgrading something such as runtime apis, which have versioning built in, which is why I ask.

1 Answer 1


There is no real pre-defined versioning for inherents.

I would propose that you just have different InherentIdentifiers per version of your inherent. Something like:



On the node side you can then just add both to the InherentData and the runtime can pick the one it knows.

  • That's a really reasonable solution, thank you! Would you accept a code change which allows decorating an inherent with a version number, and under-the-hood, it just gives a different identifier per inherent version? Commented May 17 at 10:27
  • Not sure we need this. The interface is already quite minimal and only expects that you pass the identifier.
    – bkchr
    Commented May 17 at 10:36

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